Reiki Level 1 Training

Experience the true magic of receiving a Reiki Level 1 attunement.

Reiki Level 1 is the start of a beautiful relationship – a relationship that will only 
guide you, support you and continue to invite you to go deeper.

This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know yourself on a new level and become aware of how your body is continually speaking to you. All you have to do is slow down and listen. Receiving a Reiki attunement is a gift as it invites you to come into harmony with yourself as it unlocks your innate power to heal yourself. Experience the true magic of receiving a Reiki Level 1 attunement.
The word attunement means bringing into harmony or feeling of being at ‘one’.
Self reiki is one of the most important activities you can do that will help you remember
your spirit.

What will you learn?

What will you get?

After Reiki Level 1 you’ll have the ability to give yourself a Reiki session every day, contributing to your own healing. Additionally you’ll also be able to use Reiki to treat family & friends and even your  pets.

Your own personal and unique experience of Reiki is what matters most. The Training is tailored to the energy of the group and there is plenty of time for discussion or questions as they arise. We start practicing Reiki straight after the attunement so you have plenty of time to experience Reiki during the course so your confidence level and practical experience can grow.


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